
Al Frankel provides many different types of psychotherapy, including individual work with children, adolescents and adults; he also does couple and family therapy as well as group therapy. He specializes in helping families who are undergoing or are contemplating divorce, and also helps those who are struggling with parenting and other issues post-divorce.

Although Al Frankel has this specialization he is not limited to working with divorce-related issues; he has a great amount of experience working with a wide array of people and problems.

Divorce Mediation

Al has been co-mediating with Jill Sanders-DeMott, JD for approximately 20 years. They find team mediation to be a winning combination of their respective professional backgrounds which also provides gender balance and a sense of fairness that divorcing couples really appreciate. Divorce mediation is a kinder, gentler, less stressful, more constructive and much less expensive process for people to choose when going through a separation and divorce. It is also clearly preferable when children are involved.
Al Frankel is a psychotherapist and a divorce mediator. He has been a therapist for over thirty years and has also been a mediator for almost 20 years. He teaches in the Human Services Dept. at Westchester Community College.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Zote63 said...

Hi Al...just watched your show on NCCTV...I've also loved your harmnoica playing in the past...when are you going to start updating this blog....

Al Frankel said...

Maybe sometime soon...... you mean somebody actually came to read my blog? Thanks for leaving a comment, I'll get on it.

Unknown said...

What was the name of your new show?